    ~Today, I like us to look deep into the 'Psalm 72' in the 'Book of Psalms'.
    ~Some set of believers have been assured, beyond reasonable doubt, that the 'Psalm 72' was a psalm revealed to 'King David' and that it prophesied about the 'Islamic Prophet Muhammed' (founder of Islam- the Islamic Religion spearhead); This is a total lie. Prophet Muhammed has never been mentioned, anywhere, in the 'Holy Bible'.
    ~Be critical about this 'Psalm 72', especially those in the Christian House 🏠 of faith; they will come with all convincing words- skimmingly they will push their way towards you.
    ~Under this topic, we shall look at the following verses: Psalms 72:1,15 & 20; 1Kings 1:47 & 48 and 1Kings 10 (1Kings 10:10).
(2)Author of the 'Book of Psalms':
    ~The book 📗 'Psalms' is translated as; 'Zaboor/Zabur', 'Zabbuli', etc- in Arabic and most 'Bantu languages' respectively.
    ~The word 'Psalms' means 'Praises on Instrumental music'. Thus, praise songs (this time to the Lord).
    ~2Samuel 23:1 reveals to us 'King David' being 'Israel's🇮🇱 Sweet Psalmist'; he must have been to the author of the 'Book📗 of Psalms'.
    ~The Tradition of the current Israel 🇮🇱, but from antiquity, talks too of 'King David' being the real and potential author of the 'Book of Psalms'.
    ~Thus, 'King David' was the only author of the 'Book of Psalms'.
    ~However, 'DEAD SEA SCROLLS' and NKJV revealed that different Psalms had different authors. This must have been that the different Psalms were later revealed only to 'King David for writing as a book; thus, 'The Book 📗 of Psalms'.
    ~Yes, there are alot of conspiracy theories about the author of the 'The Book of Psalms'. But remember '2Timothy 3:16,17.
(3)Psalms 72:1:
    ~This verse reveals to us that it was actually King David who was writing about the 'Glory and Universality of his Son Solomon' while on the throne after him (David) then.
    ~The all psalm prophesied the above; this happened soon then in the 'Old Testament' (1Kings 10).
    ~The Psalm 72 itself reveals to us that it must have been written by 'King David' in favour of his son Solomon who succeeded him even before he(David) died (1Kings 1:48).
(4)Psalms 72:20:
    ~"The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended".
    ~It must have been 'King David' who wrote this Psalm 72 in favour of his son Solomon who was the succeed him.
    ~The author of the 'book 📗 of 1Kings', Prophet Jehu or Prophet Jeremiah, had also quoted King David pray 🙏 unto the Lord in favour of his son Solomon as his eligible successor (1Kings 1:47,48).
(5)Psalms 72:15:
   ~This is very verse that is usually quoted by the misleaders to drive away believers from the real God of Heaven and Earth (The God of the Holy Bible).
    ~The one who was to be praised daily in the future was not to be 'the Islamic Mohammed' but rather King Solomon; quote me right, "Not at all Prophet Mohammed".
   ~The verse Psalms 72:15 was fulfilled in '1Kings 10'- look critically at '1Kings 10:10'; the Queen of Sheba (Queen of the South) and all the Kings allover the Earth then brought plenty of gold and other precious stones to King Solomon. King Solomon was praised then because of his wisdom and wealth.
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