    ~'Man' in the Holy Bible stands for both 'man' & 'woman'.
    ~'Man'👨and 'woman'👩stand for the two different sexes clearly known; that's to say- 'male' and 'female' respectively.
    ~God went on to decrease the life span of man from antiquity; He gave His reasons as to why that was so.

(2)Initially, man lived for many years;
    ~Adam lived 130 years (Genesis 5:3).
    ~Seth lived for 912 years (Genesis 5:8).
    ~Noah lived 950 years (Genesis 9:28,29).
    ~Sarah lived 127 years (Genesis 23:1).
    ~Abraham lived 175 years (Genesis 25:7).
    ~Lamech lived 777 years (Genesis 5:31).
    ~Methuselah lived 782 years (Genesis 5:26).
    ~And others.

(3)Genesis 6:3;
    ~"3:And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." (KJV).
    ~Verse 2 of the same chapter talks of the by then men taking into themselves beautiful wives; the numbers they wished. Thus, they broke the 'Law of Marriage' of: 1man + 1woman= 1flesh (Genesis 2:24 & Matthew 19:5). God was not happy 😄 with that at all.
    ~Man became extremely wicked (Genesis 6:4-7).
    ~The 120 years that were the life span of man then in 'Genesis 6:3' were also for Noah to evangelise and save some souls from the by then coming hectic flood. Noah managed to save only 7 souls (Genesis 7:13 & 2Peter 2:5) after the elapsing of those 120 years.
    ~That was the 'Wickedness and Judgement of Man'.

(4)Psalms 90:10;
    ~"10:The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away." (ESV).
    ~David was later revealed to, by the Holy Spirit, what Moses had been revealed to during his time and thus 'Psalms 90;10'. Moses had prophesied about man's life-span in the future.
    ~The life-span was to be shortened to 70 or 80, if at all with strength, in the coming future.

(5)Isaiah 65:20 (The promise to the 'Glorious New Creation');
    ~"20:Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed." (NIV).
    ~This was a promise to 'The Glorious New Creation'.
    ~There life-span was to be 100+ years; By faith, they were to live so.
    ~Being part of the 'Glorious New Creation' means accepting JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Saviour.
    ~Be part of the 'Glorious New Nation' in Jesus' Name.
    ~Remember, 'HEAVEN' is our home.

(6)Caution: Psalms 39;
    ~Man's life is vapour; any time, a man's  life can be taken away (Psalms 39:11).
    ~"Surely every man is vapour".

(7)Why the Life-span of man was shortened (Matthew 24:22);
    ~"22:And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short." (ESV).
    ~This fulfills 'Psalms 90:10'.

    ~Reaching just 50 years is very hard and yet reaching 70 or 80 years is a miracle. Those 50 years old and above are respected in a different honourable way.
    ~Very many diseases that attack man have rapidly evolved and are a menace to human life.
    ~"The World 🌎 is Rough Constantly".

(9)By 'Grace' or By 'faith' your life-span will be lenghtened;
    ~Genesis 6:8; ":But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." (KJV).
    ~'Grace' can be defined as 'favour from God'.
    ~Mark 11:23-25; Your 'faith' will too lengthen your life-span; and that faith has to be in the God of Israel.

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