1.Respect all the parts of your towel equally for the one that draped the buttocks today may be the one to drape the face tomorrow or even immediately at that very moment.
2.One without money 💰 does not pierce the bread(🍞 eKindaazi); there is need for every man to work for himself.
3.A fool has to say something but a wise man has something to say.
4.Never minimise anything no matter how small it may seem to be; a small lizard is only undermined by a man before it enters his trousers.
5.A monkey that eats grass is a goat; you can't be a visitor forever.
6.There is no virgin in the maternity ward; the one caught in the act is the very thief.
7.If the sun☀claims superiority over the moon, then let it shine at night; the one with alot of power 💪does not just boast over it but does by actions and references.
8.If you don't warn a kyphotic man, while the two of you are in the same bed, then you may not cover yourself the all that night; always speak your mind but with wisdom.
9.The small silver fish (mukene) is already mature; reason with conscience, not everything small is minor.
10.Like father like son; behaviours can be inherited from your father, boss or the environment.
11.Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
12.What will be an oil-scooper is known by its long, vertical handle; you can depict or predict one's future by critically observing his lifestyle.
13.The one who says may forget but the other one who listened may not/will not forget~ a Lusoga Proverb~; "Kilabila mukobi aye omukobere tiyerabila". Be careful with what you go on telling people or even do to them; if it hurts them, they will keep it on/in their hearts forever and in pain. They may even curse you.
14."Call a spade a spade; and not a big spoon."; Be clear and straight forward.
15.A he-goat grows by falls; To be successful, you must know that, in life, you're bound to encounter stumbling blocks and falls.
16.The one who cries alot in most cases could be a con-man or a suspect for they are endowed in skimming people for their own benefit; Be careful when judging people.
17.Hate stirs up strife but Love ❤ covers up all things.
18.Better a slap from a friend than a pat from an enemy; Love ❤ is unpredictable but hate is hate.
19.In the long run, or even short run, a man man may find it easy to eat silver fish (mukene) from the neighborhood leaving well fried meat(chicket) at his home; Stolen Water is Sweet (Psalms 9:17)- Adultery is just an evil spirit that may grow in a man.
20.When it's happening on another, and not you, it is very easy to talk about; You can be a very good referee or coach when a spectator or fun but let you be chosen to be; you will realise how hard it is to be.
21."A lie has got short legs"- An ancient African proverb; You can't lie the world🌎forever.
22.A bed-bug is a bed-bug; and not a young coackroach(nymph); the difference is in the biting. Your tastes and preferences are respected.
23.It's always the wife to taste the soup🍲first; it does not mean that she's the head of the family. There is still hope 🙏 for us or me to win.
24.No matter how sharp a two edged sword may seem, it will never cut itself. I love ❤ my life.
25.Never undermine an old man if at all he promises to stone you; for it means he has stepped on that stone just right under his foot.
26.Knowledge and Wisdom are like fire🔥;if you run scarce of them, go and ask from the neighbourhood.
27.You rather chase after the days than the days chasing after you; You rather transform from poverty to wealth than the vice-versa or reverse.
28."Amaadhi amasabe tigamala ndhigho"~ A Lusoga Proverb~ "Water asked for does not quench the thirst"; You will never be contented with something just given to you than that that you achieved through your manly sweat. That's why there is no money that's enough.
29.A monkey🐒can not judge a forest case for he will judge in favour of the forest's existence and not deforestation; A mother will always support the child(son) whether it was the son in the wrong or not.
30.Tell me whom you move with and I tell you your character; Your friend(s) can influence your character.
31.It's good to be good but it's not enough to be good.
32.Respect fools to avoid noise. Have self-esteem and a good sense of humour.
33.Where the rain rains is where the child knows. The best examples will always come from one's home since one is just adapting a given new environment.
34.Home is Home whether in bad condition or not; for when you get back Home, you automatically feel at Home. So, feel at Home!

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