(1)Proverbs 14:29;
    ~He who is slow to wrath has great understanding.
(2)Proverbs 22:3;
    ~"A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished."~.
    ~A prudent man (a wise man).
    ~Always flee away from evil.
(3)Habakkuk 2:1-3;
    ~Learn to be patient.
    ~God will work upon your life.
    ~Even if it tarries, it will happen positive unto to you.
    ~When the time has come, what God had planned for you will not tarry.
(4)Genesis 3:6;
    ~Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree 🌳of Wisdom.
    ~They lacked 'Self-control'.
    ~The whole World🌎was cursed because of their sin.
(5)Numbers 20:10-13;
    ~Moses instead struck the 'Rock' twice; and even spoke rashly before the Israelites and God Himself. This annoyed 😤God.
    ~God told him that he would also not reach the promised land.
    ~The 'Rock' was Jesus Christ himself (1Corinthians 10:4).
(6)Matthew 27:1-5;
    ~Judas Iscariot hangs himself.
(7)Genesis 26:12;
    ~Isaac made peace with King Abimelech and also re-dug the wells that his father Abraham had dug.
(8)Learn to be temperate (1Corinthians 9:25).



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