    ~Love❤is doing what is best for the other person first.

(2)Mark 12:31;
    ~You shall love ❤ your neighbour as you love ❤ yourself.
    ~This is the 2nd greatest commandment; The first is "You shall love ❤the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."
    ~Galatians 5:7-15.

(3)1John 4:16 (God is LOVE ❤);
    ~Abide in God and God will abide in you.
    ~God is LOVE ❤.

(4)1John 4:17-18;
    ~As God is, so are we in this World.
    ~"There is no fear in love❤; but perfect love ❤ casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love ❤.

(5)1John 4:18-21;
    ~God first loved us (John 3:16).
    ~You can't claim you love ❤ God when you hate your brother whom you physically see.
    ~He who loves God loves his brother too.

(6)1Corinthians 16:22;
    ~"If anyone does not love ❤the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord come!"

(7)Proverbs 8:36 & 1Corinthians 1:30,31;
    ~Jesus Christ is the 'she' Wisdom.
    ~"But he who sins against me (Wisdom) wrongs his own soul; and all those who hate me (Wisdom) love ❤ death."
    ~i.e;- death of the body (man), death of other people's businesses, death of Godly projects, death of prosperity, etc.
    ~Read; Proverbs 8:1-36.
    ~Jesus Christ is too our 'righteousness', 'sanctification' and 'redemption'.
    ~You glory in the Lord (Jeremiah 9:24); the Lord is Jesus Christ.

(8)Galatians 5:6-10;
    ~You should be generous.
    ~You should not only love ❤those of the same house 🏠 of faith, that you're; you should love ❤even brothers from other houses of faith.
    ~Love a moslem too; be generous.

(9)1Corinthians 12:20,21;
    ~Avoid; Contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbitings, whisperings, conceits, and tumults- against your brother, especially in church.
    ~The above listed do not express love ❤towards your brother.
    ~Uncleanness, fornication and licentiousness are too not good.
    ~See also, (Galatians 5:19-22).

(10)The Fruit of the Holy Spirit;
    ~Consists of: LOVE ❤, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.
    ~Against that, there is no LAW.

(11)"The Law of LOVE ❤";
    ~Romans 14:14-23.
    ~Romans 14:20,21;
       *"20:You must not, for the sake of food, undo and break down and destroy the work of God! Everything is indeed [ceremonially] clean and pure, but it is wrong for anyone to hurt the conscience of others or to make them fall by what he eats.
21:The right thing is to eat no meat or drink no wine [at all], or [do anything else] if it makes your brother stumble or hurts his conscience or offends or weakens him." (AMP).
(12)1Corinthians 8:1-13;
    ~Verse 1- "Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but Love❤edifies."
    ~Verse 13- "There, if food makes my brother, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble."

(13)Ephesians 5:1-7;
    ~Verse 2- "And walk🚶in love 😍, as Christ also has loved❤us and given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."

(14)1Corinthians 13:8 & 13;
    ~Love❤never fails.
    ~"And now abide faith, hope 🙏, love ❤, these three; but the greatest of these is love❤."
    ~Love is the main substance in all things; it's the greatest gift🎁.

(15)A Holy kiss 💋= A kiss 💋 of love❤;
    ~1Corinthians 16:20 (a holy kiss💋).
    ~1Thessalonians 5:26 (a holy kiss💋).
    ~1Peter 5:14 (a kiss💋 of love❤).

(16)1John 4:7-11;
    ~He who does not love does know God, for God is LOVE❤.

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