(1)Jeremiah 1:10;
    ~"See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the  kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant." (NKJV).
    ~You have got the powers to overcome the Devil 😈; in the Spiritual realm, you can overcome the Devil 😈.
    ~Build on your faith and always trust in only the Lord.

(2)Acts 1:8.
    ~You shall receive power 💪 when the Holy Spirit has come up in you; and you shall be a witness to Jesus Christ in your home town and village, and to the end of the earth.

(3)2Kings 4:1-7 (Elisha and the Widow's Oil).
    ~God will give you blessings that you will even have no room for them; your blessings will even flood to your neighbours.
    ~Your family will then be blessed forever.
    ~You will become a sign of the works of God's powers in your home 🏠background.

(4)Luke 5:1-7;
    ~Jesus Christ entered Simon's boat; Simon allowed him in.
    ~Allow Jesus to perform in your life; for with God, all things are possible.
    ~Simon Peter and his colleagues, in that very boat🚣where Jesus was, caught a great number of fish later on; they even had to signal 📶to other partners in the other boat🚣for help.

(5)1Chronicles 4:9-10;
    ~Jabez was named so because he had caused pain to his mother during the birth to him; his mother bore him in pain.
    ~Jabez asked God for 4 things:
        *Enlargement of territories.
        *Protection from evil.
        *To be free from pain.
    ~He allowed God to be involved in it.

(6)Exodus 14:1-8.
    ~The impossible will be possible.
    ~The word 'impossible' says, "I'm possible".

(7)Genesis 21:1 (Sarah being remembered).
    ~The difference between 'HERE' and 'THERE' is the letter 'T'.
    ~So, it's just a matter of 'T'ime!

(8)1Samuel 17 (David & Goliath);
    ~David overcame Goliath simply because God was with him; 'God was involved in it'.

(9)Genesis 41:1 (Pharaoh's Dreams).
    ~God's aim was to rise Joseph to Power 💪 in Egypt 🇪🇬then such that he could save the Israelites from famine and also demonstrate His powers in Egypt 🇪🇬.
    ~My brother, my sister too; allow God to be involved in it.
    ~"With God, All Things Are Possible".

#BibleRevelations 📟.


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