(1)  Genesis 1:27;
     -Women were too created in the image of God.
     -God too can use them to deliver His Word unto the people.

(2) Order in the Church;
     - 1Corinthians 14:34,35 & 1Timothy 2:8-15; (Submission of the Women in silence).
     - Womenin the Church of Corinth could cause commotion in the Church through vices (bad               habits) like 'Backbitings in Church' as the Preacher was preaching; thus, the believers could not           gain from what the Preacher could have taught that day or time.
     -1Corinthians 12:20,21; (Backbitings & others in the Church⛪of Corinth)️.
     - Paul just wanted to bring order in such a Church; He didn't mean that Women                                      should not preach or even sing in Church.
      -Even currently, girls and womenhave dominated the Church⛪️singing Choirs; they are not                supposed to be in silence like some Christians and others think.
      -If they keep quiet, how will God know their commitment and faith; for 'A CLOSED MOUTH IS        A CLOSED DESTINY'.


     -1Samuel 18:7 & 1Samuel 21:11; The Womensang and danced in favour of David.
     -Miriam, Deborah & Mary (mother of Jesus Christ) sang; they were not silent before God.
     -Remember, God is everywhere and His Church⛪️is you and not the building.
     -The 'Silence' Paul meant was 'Being submissive'

(3) Prophetesses (Women);
     -Exodus 15:20 (Prophetess MIRIAM).
     -Judges 4:4 (Prophetess DEBORAH).
     -2Kings 22:14 (Prophetess HULDAH).
     -Luke 2:36-38 (Prophetess ANNA).

(4) Revelation 2:20;
     -Jezebel the 'False Prophetess'.
     -God was warning about this Jezebel; this is clear evidence that Prophetesses existed though, this        Jezebel was to be a 'false prophetess' in time to come.
     -God had 'prophetesses' from antiquity.

(5) Prominent Womenin the Holy Bible;
     -Rachab (Joshua 2:1 & Matthew 1:5).
     -Queen of Sheba (1Kings 10:1 & Matthew 12:42).
     -The Prominent Women(Acts 17:12).
     -Queen Candace of Ethiopia  (Acts 8:27).
     -Dorcas Tabitha (Acts 9:36-40).
     -Lydia (Acts 16:14). Compare with 'Daniel 5:29'.
     -Sister Phoebe (Romans 16:1-2).
     -Queen Esther (in the bookof Esther).
     -Mary of Bethany (John 11:1,2).
     -And others.

(6)Business ladies in the 'Holy Bible';
    ~Lydia (Acts 16:14). Compare with 'Daniel 5:29'.
    ~The Prominent Women(Acts 17:12).

(7)'Long Hair' for Women;
    ~1Corinthians 11:2-6; (Long hair to a woman is a covering).
    ~The scriptures did not mean that a girl  or woman  should cover the whole head, strictly, as a form of honour to her God. If at all she does, it's okay but not as a Godly ritual; for such dressing only portrays culture.
    ~Revelations 9:8; (They had hair like women'shair). How did John recognize the hair if at all it was covered with cloth allover!  Meaning, the hair was uncovered; for itself, it's the covering of a         woman'shead.
    ~1Timothy 2:8-9; (During worship, the long hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing are not the            main thing; but instead the girl's or woman'sheart before God).

(8)Evangelism by the Women;
    ~Women evangelised to the Apostles who had fallen out of Christ Jesus.
    ~Among the Womenwas 'Mary Magdalene'.
       *Luke 24:9-11.
       *Mark 16:1-8; (especially verse 7).
       *Matthew 28:1-10; (especially verses 7 & 8).
    ~Ephesians 4:11;
       *"11:And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;" (KJV).
       *Prophets (prophetesses), Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers(Priests), Deacons & Bishops are chosen by God.
    ~Many Womenministered to Jesus Christ (Luke 8:1-3).

(9)Mark 15:40,41 & Mark 16:1;
    ~Womenremained there for Jesus Christ while on the Cross.
    ~The disciples had fallen out of him; they had no faith then.

(10)Luke 22:56,57;
    ~A certain servant girl (young woman) recognised Peter first; for he denied Jesus Christ.
    ~The 'girl child' had 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH'; Womenshould be granted 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH'.

(11)Acts 12:12;
    ~Peter was too a friend to girls and womentoo.
    ~Mary (mother of John Mark) & Rhoda (girl).

(12)Marriage; (1 man + 1 woman= 1; 1+1=1);
    ~Genesis 2:24.
    ~Matthew 19:5.
    ~1 Corinthians 6:16.
    ~Ephesians 5:31.
    ~Husbands should love ❤ their wives (Ephesians 5:28).
    ~Wives should respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33).

(13)The Genesis of 'Women Emancipation';
    ~John 8:3-12; (Jesus Christ saved an adulteress from being stoned to death. The Scribes and the Pharisees only brought to Jesus Christ the adulteress, for judgement, leaving the adulterer).
    ~Put  this 'Women Emancipation' in practice.

#BibleRevelations page .


  1. indeed happy women's day may our mothers live to blow a thousand candles


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