(1)Factors That Affect Reading:
    1.Lack of concentration;
       *Do the right thing at the right time.
       *This allows you to do activity stress free since you're not worrying about the other you were meant to do previously but did not do then. At that time, that you didn't do in the right time is demanding you jealously; and yet it's inevitable at that everytime.
       *Let people talk and talk as you do the walk🚶.
       *This reminds me of the late secular musician Mowzey Radio 📻 aka Moses Sekibogo and his by then colleague Weasel Manizo; they sang a song titled "Talk & Talk". May the Soul of Mowzey Radio 📻rest in peace (R.I. P).
       *Balance your 'physique' with your 'psyche' but let the 'psyche' control the 'physique'.

       *Cell Phone📱; fb, WhatsApp, twitter, etc.
       *Long reading;
          ~There is a difference between reading and studying; studying is better for you assimilate something, then later discuss.
       *Phobia (fear); developing fear for a given course or course unit.
       *Understanding a given question.
       *Avoid sleepless nights during exams.
       *Revise past questions.
       *Form a discussion discussion group not more than 6 people; aim at odd numbers in the group. The smaller the group, the better.
       *Write 📝down the topic when revising.

(2)Back-up everything with a prayer.

(3)John 1:1-5, 8:12; Proverbs 8; & Genesis 1:4,5;
    ~Jesus Christ is the 'WISDOM'.
    ~Jesus Christ is the First and the Last.
    ~Embrace 'WISDOM'; for wisdom is a 'SHE'. A 'SHE' will always bare something fruitful.

(4)2Peter 1:3.

(5)Hosea 4:6;
    ~"My people destroyed for lack of knowledge," says God.

(6)Joshua 1:8;
    ~Knowledge is like the eyes 👀 of the spirit.
    ~'Wisdom' is the correct application of 'Knowledge'.
    ~Types of Wisdom;
          1.Wordly Wisdom.
          2.Devilish wisdom (you don't need this at all).
          3.Godly Wisdom.
    ~There is foolish wisdom; 'Devilish wisdom' is 'Foolish wisdom'.

(7)Romans 8:19;
    ~ie; Akabwai was chosen as the Chairman Electoral Commission of Uganda; he was 'born again', he was faithful.
    ~Akabwai later chose two girls from MUK, University Kampala. These were:
          *Allen. Kagina; URA- Roads.
          *Jennifer Musisi; E.D, K'la- She asked for 40 million salary and promised to work without being corrupt. She managed to refurbish Kampala City.
    ~There is a difference between God's people and the son or daughter of God; "I AM A SON OF GOD AND YOU TOO CAN BE".
    ~"The Future is Connected to The Past".




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