    *The time of day when the sun appears above the Eastern horizon.
    *The change in colour of the sky at dawn.
    *Josh 6:15, Judg 19:26, Job 3:9, Job 7:4, Ps 119:147, Matt 28:1 and 2Pet 1:19.
    *Matthew 16:3; (morning sunrise; Stormy-like, for the sky is red and has a gloomy 🙍 and threatening look.).

AMP:And in the morning, It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and has a gloomy and threatening look. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times".

    *(or: dusk, sundown, nightfall, twilight).
    *The time of day when the sun ☀ disappears below the Western horizon.
    *The changes in colour of the sky at sunset 🌇(dusk).
    *Matt 16:2; (evening sunset 🌇; a fair weather since the sky is red).

AMP:He replied to them, When it is evening you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,"

    *The time when the light is visible; the period between daylight and darkness.
    *1Sam 30:17, 2Ki 7:6 & 7, Job 3:9, Job 24:15, Prov 7:9 and Ezek 12:6,7 & 12.

#Bible verses having 'evening':
      *8:11, 24:11, 29:23, and 30:16.
   2.Exodus; 12:6, 16:8, 18:13, and 27:21.
   3.Leviticus 24:3.
   4.Deuteronomy 23:11.
   5.Joshua 10:26.
   6.Judges 19:9.
   7.1Samuel; 14:24, 17:16 & 30:17.
   8.2Samuel 11:2.
   9.1Kings 18:29,36.
  10.2Kings 16:15,40.
  11.2Chronicles; 13:11, 31:3.
  12.Ezra; 3:3, 9:4,5.
  13.Esther 2:14.
  14.Job 4:20.
  15.Psalms; 55:17, 59:6 &14, 65:8, 90:6, 104:23, and 141:2.
  16.Proverbs 7:9.
  17.Ecclesiastes 11:6.
  18.Isaiah 17:14.
  19.Jeremiah; 5:6, 6:4.
  20.Ezekiel; 33:22, 46:2.
  21.Daniel; 8:26, 9:21.
  22.Habakkuk 1:8.
  23.Zephaniah 2:7, 3:3.
  24.Zechariah 14:7.
  25.Matthew 14:15,23 and 16:2.
  26.Mark 14:17.
  27.Luke 24:29.
  28.John 20:19.
  29.Acts 28: 23.

#Explanation about when a day starts or ends.
*In this PART, we are going to look at 'midnight' to the deep; looking critically at 'sunset', 'sunrise', 'the midnight sun', evening, and morning.
*We defined 'midnight sun' in PART 2. Some regions in the world experience the 'midnight sun'; midnight sunrise and midnight sunset.
*Some of the areas in the World that experience the 'midnight sun' are:
    (1)Akureyri town, Iceland.
    (2)Finland; The 'Midnight 🕛 sun' or almost 24 hours of daylight occurred in the Arctic Region on 8th Jul, 2016.
    (3)Lofoten Islands, Norway: In the Arctic circle, 'Midnight sun' occurs in Summer season; in the Scandinavian Region.
    (4)Alaska: Areas close to the North Pole experience the 'midnight sun' in the Summer season.
*The above verses reveal to you that a day starts in the morning at 'midnight'.
*Genesis 24:11; Women and daughters of men used to draw water from the well in the evening (could be from 4pm to 6pm). Abraham's servant couldn't have travelled by night(in the evening) for his camels needed to be watered in the long run. So, Abraham's servant and his men had to stay all night (Genesis 24:54), for the day(light) was gone, and rise in the morning to start a new day. Hence, a new day started in the morning night though still they couldn't travel back in the night; they must have waited for dawn.
*2Samuel 11:2,13; These two occasions in verses 2 and 13 must have both happened in the evening but on different days; occasion in 2 happened during day(light) and occasion in 13 prolonged through the evening night to early morning(next day).
*2Chronicles 31:3; The 'New Moons' appeared in the evening (from dusk 🌆or twilight to through the night🌃).
*Ezra 9:3,4 & 5; "And at the 'evening sacrifice' I arose up from my heaviness; ...". This shows us 'evening sacrifices' were done or offered at night.
*Esther 2:14: KJV- 2000(Holy Bible) used 'morrow' for 'morning' which means 'next day' or 'another day' or 'a new day'.
*Psalms 59:6; The Israelites returned home at 'evening' for the Day was yet to commence; there was need to rest and then start another day.
*Psalms 104:23; A day started in the morning and ended in the evening.
*Proverbs 7:9 & 18: Verse 7, "In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night". Verse 7 shows us that 'evening' consists of darkness(night) too.
*Jeremiah 6:4; This verse shows us that when the sun ☀ is over our heads, then it's noon(midday- 12pm); for beyond that time, our shadows start lengthening to the Eastern direction. "EVENING IS FROM NOON TO MIDNIGHT ACCORDING TO THE BIBLICAL UNDERSTANDING".
*Zechariah 14:7; Evening(day & night).
*Matthew 14:23; Evening sunset and evening night 🌃). Jesus spent his daylight in the synagogues preaching and daynight in the mountains of Olive praying 🙏 to God the Father.
*Matthew 16:2; Evening sunset- a fair weather; for the sky is red.
*Acts 28:23; A Day starts from morning to evening.
*John 20:19; Here, it must have been night; I think that's why the disciples were fearing to be lonely for they were not safe- they had alot of fear that was unbearable; so, they locked the door of the house. The Day was still on, it never ended at sunset; it was evening at night.

*A Day starts and ends at midnight 🕛.
*Read the above Bible verses listed.

*See PART 2 for the references; on #BibleRevelations.

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