#Definition of 'midnight':
(1) The Middle of the night: 12:00am; on a 12hour clock, 12:00 at night; on a 24hr clock, 00:00.
(2)The Middle of the night: the moment of time, which is equidistant between sunset and sunrise.
(3)#midnight sun; the sun visible at midnight (inside the Arctic or Antarctic Circles).

#Other Bible Verses of Reference:
*Exodus 32:6 (they rose early on next day, offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings....).
*Numbers 24:17 (the Star).
*1Samuel 14:36 (morning light).
*1Samuel 25:22,34,36 (morning light).
*2Samuel 17:22 (morning light).
*2Kings 7:9 (morning light).
*Job 38:7 (morning stars).
*Nehemiah 8:3 (midday).
*Isaiah 28:19 (morning by morning ; & by day and by night).
*Amos 4:13 (morning darkness).
*Matthew 2:2 (Jesus' Star).
*Mark 1:35 (morning, having risen a long while before daylight).
*John 20:1(early while still dark).
*Revelation 2:28 (morning star).
*Revelation 22:16 (bright, morning star).

#Determining when a Day starts and ends:
*Numbers 24:17 talked about the Star of Israel which was fulfilled in Matthew 2:2. This probably could have happened either in the morning darkness, very early in the morning(from 'midnight' to 6am), or late evening at around 6pm to 'midnight'.
*Job 38:7 talks of the 'morning stars'. Revelation 2:28 & 22:16 talk of Jesus Christ being the bright, morning Star 🌟; this was too in fulfillment of Numbers 24:17. The Star must have shown when a new day had just started at 'midnight' to declare the start of salvation for all of Israel.
*Remember, in PART 1, Exodus 12:29,30, 40-42 revealed to us a day started at midnight' then. There was no need for the trend to change in the New Testament; besides, it was later not mentioned anywhere that a day was then to start, as a change, at sunset or sunrise.
*Isaiah 28:19 and Amos 4:13 reveal to us that a morning consists of both light(day) and night(darkness), review PART 1, and not only light. The other verses mentioned in the references above talked of 'morning light' meaning their was need to describe the real morning then; for morning darkness' existed too then.
*Mark 1:35; "Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight(sunrise), he went out and departed to a solitary place; and there he prayed." This verse shows us clearly that a new day starts in the night at 'midnight 🕛'; not at 'dawn' or 'dusk' like some religions think.
*John 20:1; Mary Magdalene must have gone to the tomb early morning, while it was still dark probably from 'midnight' to 6am(in that range) for it was still dark. God has not yet changed His timing save for some miracles that happened. There was no reason for her being early if at all she reached the tomb in the late evening. Mary must have woken up, from sleep 💤 to start off the new day which was the 1st day of the week. If the day had started at sunset 🌇, then it made no sense her being claimed to have gone early for it was about to dawn.
*Nations, like the Arabs, Israelites and a few others, started a new day at sunset or even sunrise as their own tradition. God from antiquity had preserved all the different tradition(cultures) for He is a God of Nations. The 'Book of the Law' was a constitution then, in the Old Testament, for only Israel as a nation; other nations like Babylon had their own calendar and Constitution then too. Jesus Christ later established the 'Law of Righteousness'.
*I think this is why the astronomers and the Gregorian calendar selected 'midnight' as the separation of a past day and a new day.
*Review PART 1.

(1)King James Version- 2000 (KJV- 2000); Holy Bible.
(2)New Living Translation (NLT); Holy Bible.
(3)New King James Version (NKJV)- The Anglicised Version; Holy Bible.
(4)Historical tradition of Israel, Arabs & other nations from antiquity.
(5)The Advanced Learners Oxford Dictionary.
(6)ESV; Holy Bible.
(7)AMP; Holy Bible.
(8)New International Version (NIV); Holy Bible.
(9)Word Web; Dictionary.



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