  *Evening starts at noon(midday)/12:00pm; & ends at 'midnight'(12:00 midnight).
  *Morning starts at 'midnight'(12:00am) & ends at noon(midday).
  *Therefore, a year will too start at 'midnight' since a day starts with the 'morning' then the 'evening'.
  *Usually and actually, a year starts at the end of the last day of the previous past year.

  (1)To determine when a Day starts.
  (2)To determine when a Day ends.
  (3)To determine the sunset 🌇 and sunrise 🌅 occurrences.
  (4)To assess the experiencing of the 'midnight 🕛 sun' in the Arctic and Antarctic Circles of the World.

#Bible verses containing 'midnight':
  *Exodus 11:4.
  *Exodus 12:29.
  *Judges 16:3.
  *1Kings 3:20.
  *Job 34:20.
  *Psalms 119:62.
  *Matthew 25:6.
  *Mark 13:35.
  *Luke 11:5.
  *Acts 16:25.
  *Acts 20:7
  *Acts 27:27.

#Explanation about when a day starts or ends:
  *A day is divided into the following:
    (1)day(light) and night(darkness or gloom).(Genesis 1:3-5).
    (2)'Evening' and 'morning'.(Genesis 1:5,8,13,19,23).
  *'Evening' consists of light and gloom. 'Morning' consists of gloom and light; in that very order.
  *Genesis 1:1-20(The sun was created on the 4th day after evening and morning had already been revealed before that scenario). Therefore, it is not advisable to determine when the day starts or ends using the sunrise or sunset respectively.
  *Genesis 1:14; "Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;" Many mistake this verse to be meaning that a new day should start at 'sunset' or 'sunrise'; which is very wrong. The lights(sun, moon and stars) were to be used determine signs and seasons to occur for the days and years; that's to say,  for predicting the weather on a given day or throughout  a given year. The verse verse didn't mean the a new day should start or end at sunset 🌇 or sunrise 🌅 respectively; or vice versa.
  *Exodus 12:29-42: Verse 29 talks of God striking all the first-borns(both of Egyptians and their livestock) in the land of Egypt; this happened at 'midnight'(12:00am).
–Verse 41 says that the 430 years that the Israelites had sojourned in Egypt were exactly done. It was night(here a new day had already started)
when the Israelites went out from the  land of Egypt. The day must have started at 'midnight' then.
–The Israelites had not gone to Egypt, then, on the 1st day of the first month according to the by then calendar. They must have gone there in another month; it could even have been amidst the year then! Exodus 12:2: the Lord gave Moses the Israel Calendar separate from that of the Egyptians; this must have happened immediately after the 430 years of Israel sojourning in Egypt(in the land of Goshen).
  *Acts 20:7-13: this extract reveals to us that a given day will always end and start at 'midnight'. Paul had to end his message at 'midnight' such that he could depart the next day for he was ready(already prepared).
  *Review the above "Bible verses containing 'midnight''' to real understand the context.

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